Cheap and Natural Teeth Whiteners

Many of us have heard of the baking soda trick. But now it’s time to find out all the other ways to get those pearly whites we all dream of. Now remember though these tricks are chemical free they still have quite a bit of acidity to them so try not to use these any more than once a week because it can damage the  enamel on your teeth. More

Super Easy Hairstyle #5- Upside-down ponytail

This hairstyle is incredible easy but i don’t think many people have really tried it out so here you go :) More

Deep Hair Conditioner Recipe- 100% Natural

It’s recomended that, to keep your hair in tip-top shape, you do a deep conditioner once every week. Financially, especially in this economy,that can really add up to a lot of money being spent. However you don’t need to buy store’s deep conditioners because now I’m going to share a few recipes. More

Get Natural Looking Beach Waves Without Any Heat

This is a lot simpler than you might think all you need is a hair tie and some time. More

Simple Hairstyle #4- Twisted Inside Out Ponytail

I just tried out this hair style and I just LOVE it! All you’ll need is a hair tie and 2 minutes. More

Just for Fun- Lady Gaga Bow Hair

Now this is the type of “do” that I’d put on when it’s just me and the girls having fun, but if you are bold enough to wear it out it can be a very unique look that will make you stand out against the crowd. More

Quick and Easy Hairstyle #3: Hair Headband

This is for those times when you want to leave your hair down, but you would like to make it look

a bit more unique. This hairstyle is super easy and took me about 3 minutes. all you’ll need is 

2 bobby pins. More

Simple Hairstyle 2- Hair Tie

This goes out for all those girls who just can’t get enough of those ponytails but are trying to spice it up a bit.

All you need is a hair scrunchy, a bobby pin, and two minutes. More

Quick and Easy Hairstyle #1- Side Hair Twist

For those days where you only have 2 minutes, a hair tie, and if you’re lucky, a bobby pin.

I just so happen to have several of days like that so when my hair is too wild to leave down I’ve got these quick and easy hairstyles I’ll be sharing with you. Enjoy! More

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